
<== Site of the Week for 2012-01-19 ==>

Refuge Church

Refuge Church is a Calvary Chapel serving the Christian Community of Northern Utah.

The Pastor of the church of the chapel is presenting an online Question and Answer program via YouTube. People ask a the pastor a question and he gives an online response.

The video below talks about the mystery surrounding the Trinity. A mystery of Christianity is that there is one God that is manifest in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Oddly enough, just before watching this video, i was in a discussion about Ancient Greek Philosophers who were split over the concepts of monism and dualism. I think the Christian Trinity may have been an attempt to resolve the conflict between monism and dualism. With the trinity, you have one thing from which many come.

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Site NameRefuge Church
Review History2012-01-19
Category Ogden, Utah: Churches
Page Views4420
PreviousThe Greenery Restaurant

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