
<== Site of the Week for 2014-09-04 ==>

title 32b lounge

Have you ever wandered what happens behind those Zion Curtains* erected in Utah Restaurants. title 32b lounge is an Ogden Speakeasy engaged in the fine art of cocktail making. This is a video they made to preview their Fall cocktail line up.

SPEAKEASY EVENT FALL 2014 CLIP #1 from AJ Hubbard on Vimeo.

* A Zion Curtain is an expensive barrier that restaurants must erect so that patrons do not see the serving of alcoholic beverages. Sadly, there are very few restaurants in Utah that push the art of cocktails.

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Site Nametitle 32b lounge
Review History2014-09-04
Category Ogden, Utah: Night Life
Page Views4863
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